
Showing posts from June, 2024

SHODAN vs XANA (System Shock vs Code Lyoko) VS Prediction Blog

  "It is said that God made man in his image, but man fell from grace. Still, man has retained from his humble beginnings the innate desire to create. But how will man's creations fare? Will they attain a measure of the divine? Or will they, too, fall from grace?" SHODAN , the AI of Citadel Station seeking godhood from System Shock XANA , the multi-agent program with goals of world conquest from Code Lyoko The creation of artificial intelligence is a very important step in technological advancement, and while it is one that has been passed in various forms, we have yet to create a truly sentient intelligence. There have been plenty of debates on the potential moral ramifications of man creating artificial life, but if these two offer any idea on what that might be like, perhaps there’s more than just ethical questions we should be asking. Originally created to help mankind before experiencing an unexpected complication, these two artificial intelligences would end up turn