Perry vs Skipper (Phineas & Ferb vs Madagascar) VS Prediction Blog

 "Suffer the little creatures, for they may yet rise up and beat you senseless."

Perry, the OWCA Agent constantly thwarting the plots of Dr Doofenshmirtz
Skipper, the leader of the Penguins of Madagascar from the Central Park Zoo

By day, these two can come off as cute, cuddly, and unassuming semi-aquatic animals. But don’t let that fool you, as these two are in reality secret agents using these guises as a cover. They’ve gone on many adventures over the years, often to thwart the efforts of evil scientists wanting to take over the world, but they’ve shown they got the skills and gadgets to come out on top against the odds time and time again. And they’ll do whatever it takes to defend their families against those who try to threaten them.

Before We Begin

For Perry, this will be covering all the major information for Phineas & Ferb, including the original cartoon, the films, the various tie-in games, other shows set in the same universe, and any other media. This will not include anything from his crossovers, such as Disney Infinity, the Chibiverse shorts, or the Star Wars special. The one exception would be the Mission Marvel special, as that story is an actual story within the context of the original show, but this will not mean Mainline Marvel Comic scaling for reasons elaborated on later.

As for Skipper, this will be primarily covering both the Madagascar films and the Penguins of Madagascar spin-off show. While the show could be seen as a separate continuity to the original films, it is still where the majority of Skipper’s notable capabilities come from, and is the main media of relevance for comparing with Perry. This will also include other media in the Madagascar series, including the shorts, other spin-off shows, licensed games, and any other media. This has the similar exception of crossovers, so nothing from stuff like Nickelodeon Super Brawl or DreamWorks All-Star Kart Racing.

Finally, as this match was decided by a poll, I decided to make a fun little addition with a section for “Optional Equipment”. These are a set of equipment which aren’t quite hard standard for the two in question, but are stuff that can be seen as something they should have access to in character for reasons elaborated on. They’re just here to give this a bit of extra spice, so to say. With all that out of the way, let’s begin.



“Hey, where’s Perry?”

In the town of Danville, there were two brothers by the name of Phineas and Ferb. One summer, while bored out of their minds with nothing to do, they decided to start building a variety of inventions, which their older sister Candace always tried unsuccessfully to bust them over. But everyday, their pet platypus always seemed to disappear from their sights, before miraculously showing up later that day out of nowhere. This is because, in reality, Perry was a secret agent employed by the Organization Without a Cool Acronym, or OWCA, and every day he was called upon to put a stop to the dastardly schemes of Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz. His name is Perry the Platypus, but you can just call him Agent P. 

Not too much is known of his origins, besides the fact he was taken in by the Flynn family after they visited an OWCA run pet store, at which he quickly enraptured the family’s kids by looking at both of them. However, he’s still very skilled at his job, as he’s managed to stop the plot of Doctor Doofenshmirtz many times. He’s had to deal with businessmen robots, an alternate dimension where Doof had won, aliens from another world, and even the villains of Marvel Comics. He’s even managed to bring out the best in the old Doctor, eventually managing to redeem him and give him a job as a science professor. But throughout it all, he has shown that his bond with his family is more than just for cover, as he’s been willing to put everything on the line just for their safety. So if you ever intend to threaten the Tri-State Area, you better watch out, because this semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action will be right there to stop you.  


“Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.”

The Central Park Zoo is home to a wide variety of wildlife from throughout the world. Ranging from its star attraction of African wildlife like the Lion, Zebra, Hippopotamus, and Zebra, to more lowkey animals like ring tailed lemurs who like to move it or chimpanzees who know how to read. One very popular exhibit is that of the penguins, cute and cuddly birds from the frigid land of Antarctica. However, what those who visit these flightless birds don't realize is that there's more than meets the eye with them, as they are actually highly sophisticated birds who often go on all sorts of adventures as secret spies. They consist of the intelligent planner and inventor Kowalski, the chaotic renegade Rico, the young and naive Private, and their leader, the serious and sometimes a bit too driven Skipper.

Originally born in Antarctica, the group ended up separated from their flock and put on an ice flow after they spotted and rescued the egg of Private, being left with no one to rely on but each other. After this, they’d end up getting taken in by the Central Park Zoo, having gone on many adventures in their time to help the other denizens of the zoo. They’ve gone everywhere from the plains of Africa to the moon, dealt with the plots of evil scientists like Doctor Blowhole and Dave the Octopus, and have even managed to win the respect of other secret agencies despite appearing far less competent. But through it all, they’ve shown that their bond as a found family is something that can be maintained in any environment. So next time you visit a zoo and see some penguins just being cute, don’t turn your back on them for long, since they could be agents who are fully willing to take you out. 

Intelligence & Skill


Perry has had a pretty notable history. While it’s unclear how long he’s been active as an agent, he was ready to be active for at least five years after the Flynns adopted him from an OWCA run pet store. He’s shown plenty of skill as a fighter, as he’s trained in platyjitsu, which gives him the skill to quickly dominate most. Though he’s skilled in more than just hand to hand, as not only has he been able to use his own tail as a weapon, but he has the skill to use anything that he gets his hands on, whether that be plungers, hot dogs, party whistles, or Doof’s own tech. He’s also pretty adaptable, as he was able to fight just as well when body swapped with Candace, and was able to take on Doof when he had turned invisible. 

He’s been able to keep up with rogue OWCA agents, evil clones of himself, his alternate dimensional self who had been turned to a cyborg, and even Doofenshmirtz after he turned himself into a clone of Perry. He was able to defeat the platypus game hunter Liam O'Cracken after teaming up with Doofenshmirtz, and has been shown to be more skilled than other OWCA agents, even being recognized as OWCA’s top agent. Though he’s shown skill beyond just fighting, as he has detective skills good enough to accurately deduce what had happened from just the scene of a crime, the debating skills to somehow completely change his opponent’s entire worldview, and the precision to accurately multiple ricochet shots and counter multiple projectiles at once.


Skipper has had a rather notable history, as he and the other penguins have been adventuring since they were hatchlings over the course of at least 10 years. They’ve demonstrated themselves to be very skilled as combatants, thwarting the plots of various evil scientists, like Dr Blowhole and Dave the Octopus, and they’ve  adventured all around the world in the process. They’ve had experience dealing with many other animals, ranging from elephants, rhinos, kangaroos, alligators, sharks, and elephant seals, and they’ve managed to outpace various humans, managing to hijack a ship from them, stealing supplies from multiple African tour groups, and outpacing skilled Animal Control Officers like Captaine DuBois and Officer X.

Skipper himself has been shown to be fairly skilled as a fighter. He mainly fights using his flippers, but he has the skill to use anything he can get his hands on as a weapon. He’s agile enough to jump large distances and along walls, was able to flip through a tree during a crash landing, and can deflect projectiles launched at him in midair. He’s also rather precise, able to throw a card fast enough to boomerang through the air and slice through multiple ropes, a peanut hard enough to knock over multiple others, and a coin strong enough to cut multiple ropes while also ricocheting around the room. He’s also implied to have taught the other penguins everything he knows, and has been able to outpace all of them coming at him at once. Even when his memories were wiped, he was still skilled enough to take on foes before recovering said memories. He was even able to take down an evil android duplicate of himself. 




Agent P’s most notable equipment is his iconic hat (no not that one), which is the common uniform of OWCA agents and does quite a bit more than just make him look snazzy. Hidden underneath the hat are multiple gadgets, which includes a boxing glove for surprise attacks, a small extendable buzz saw for freeing from bindings, a very important hot dog, and a scanner which can give details on machines to replicate them. He’s also got the skill to use the hat itself as a boomerang, and can turn it into a larger buzzsaw strong enough to slice through metal.

Wrist Communicationizer

He’s also utilized this watch that, like any good spy movie watch, can do a lot more than just tell time in an outdated and confusing manner. It’s equipped with an electromagnet for attracting objects, which is strong enough to pull large robots and can be used to disarm foes. It also has a holographic display letting him connect with Major Monogram from anywhere, and a function that can give foes a sudden brain freeze. He’s also shown another watch which has a laser blaster for freeing himself from traps

Explosive Charge

Agent P keeps explosives on hand, which are equipped with a small spear to embed in objects.

Rocket Launcher

He’s been seen using a large rocket launcher, which was shown to be strong enough to blast through walls just with just the impact of the rocket itself.

Grappling Hook

A gadget which he’s utilized quite a bit over the years, which can be used to transport himself up distances, tie up foes, disarm foes, or grapple things down

Ray Gun

He’s also kept a couple laser guns on hand, which are strong to burn though carpets and slice through glass


He’s also got dual daggers, though he’s just used them for slicing through wires.

Acid Bubble

He carries this on hand, which he can use to make an acidic bubble around himself, which is strong enough to melt through glass on contact. He was also shown to possess equipment for protecting himself from exposure to it here.

Metal Melting Device

He also possesses this device, which can melt through metal walls when activated.

Energy Shield

This was able to help defend him from energy blasts from Doof’s robot and clones.

Portable Hole

He can use this to make temporary holes through solid walls, which he can remove from the other side and stay in while spying

Animal Calls

Perry can blow into these whistles to summon other animals to help him. He’s been shown using bats for flying, whales for smashing stuff under their sheer weight, and mice to take on one of Doof’s traps. He’s also shown to possess whistles for cats, dogs, cows, komodo dragons, and sardines. 

Nanobot Programmer

Originally an invention of Phineas and Ferb, which Perry borrowed to help stop Norm. This is a remote which can shape a swarm of nanobots into forming basically whatever shape they can think of. 

Drill Platform

In case he needs to dig through a lot of earth quickly, he can pull out this, which let him tunnel to an underground chamber fairly quickly.


He’s equipped with a parachute for safely landing, complete with a personalized logo.


He’s utilized decoys of himself in the past to fake out Doofenshmirtz and others, and has even been able to somehow replace himself with a decoy in a trap despite clearly being caught by it earlier. 

Metal Teeth


He’s also pulled out these metal teeth, which let him bite hard enough to go through metal restraints


He was able to use this to hack into the GPS of the Fletcher’s RV to covertly redirect them.

Universal Delete Button

This is a special device that can be used to delete any file off the entirety of the internet

UI Goggles

This device allowed Perry to scan a pile of wires he was trapped in for a weak point

Business Card Robot

His business card letting people know he is literally fearless is also a disguised drone equipped with a laser cannon.  

Across the 2nd Dimension Gadgets

(I apologize for exposing you to cursed 3D Candace)

In the tie game for the film, Agent P is one of the playable characters, which lets him utilize a variety of gadgets in combat. This includes:

  • Baseball Launcher - Shoots out a baseball, with the ball’s movements being able to be remotely controlled by way of a joystick. 

  • Anti-Gravity Ray - Can be used to drag around heavy objects

  • Carbonator - A cannon that launches a spray of orange soda to blast apart foes

  • Ninja Glove - Lets him wall jump up surfaces

  • Digital Hacker - A gun which lets the user hack into technology via a minigame. Can also fire electric blasts offensively.

  • OWCA Beacon -  Can be used to summon other agents for backup. At least I assume so, the guy from that longplay decided to never use it. 

  • Blaster - While on jetpack based rail shooter levels, you’re equipped with a rapid fire laser with unlimited ammo

  • Firecracker Rocket - You can also fire this for a quick burst, though it does have limited ammo


In the Tower-Inator flash game, Perry utilizes this contraption, which launches a variety of projectiles at various sets of towers in a manner which reminds me of something I can’t quite place. These projectiles include:

  • Blue Bowling Ball - The hardest hitting of the projectiles. 

  • Exploding Pineapple - If it hits something, it explodes.

  • Boomerang - Can loop around to attack the tower from behind

  • Robot Mole - Can burrow underground to attack the tower from below

  • Freeze Ray - Freezes any part of the tower it hits, making that section easier to break

  • Electro-Magnet - Attracts metal within the tower (no footage because it was exclusive to certain regional versions of the game)

Age Accelerator-Inator-Proof Suit

By wearing this, Perry was able to counter the effects of an invention which makes anything hit by it old. It looked completely identical to his normal appearance beforehand. 

Space Suit

He’s also been shown to keep around a space suit for any cosmic based missions. 

Superhero Suit & Hoverboard

During the Mission Marvel special, Agent P ended up donning this supersuit, which is equipped with rocket boosters, dual wrist communicators, a pair of wire cutters, and laser eyes. It also came with a hoverboard, which is equipped with a smoke screen, multiple grapple hooks, and a rapid fire energy cannon.

Hover Car

His most common method of transport, which can jet through the air quickly and can be summoned to his side with just a whistle. It also might have a standard car function, though this could also be a separate vehicle entirely. 


Another common method of transport, allowing him to jet through the skies quickly.

1963 Olson Martin

A stylish and oddly familiar spy car, which has the unique ability to transform around Perry, forming a scuba suit and a fake mustache for disguises.

Other Vehicles

  • ATV - Good for off road missions

  • Moped - Good for zooming around the city

  • Scooter - A smaller collapsible vehicle which can rapidly expand for transport in a pinch

  • Motorcycle - A pretty badass ride equipped with dual laser cannons and and a grappling hook dispenser

  • Wings - He has deployable wings to use to glide from high surfaces

  • Hang Glider - He also has this deployable hang glider for the same purpose

  • Chair Gyrocopter - For when he doesn’t feel like getting out of his chair to head over to Doof’s

  • Propeller - I can’t come up with quirky descriptions for all of these

  • Jet Ski - Used for naval transport, and comes equipped with a built in radar

  • Submarine - Used for naval transport, but underwater.

  • Underwater Propulsion Device - Another gadget for transport underwater, which also comes with a radar

Miscellaneous Equipment


Wooden Sword

During training with the other penguins, Skipper has been shown wielding this wooden blade which can be used to smack foes around. 


He’s been seen using this, usually meant for prying apart objects, but it is just as effective at smacking kneecaps.


<insert creative fish pun here>

Katana of General Shingen

Originally owned by a legendary monkey warrior who Skipper learned from the books of, this blade was used in ancient times to defeat Kuchikukan, an evil spirit (more about him later). After inadvertently unleashing this spirit, the Penguins would end up taking up this blade to stop him, and Skipper would be given the blade to keep for himself afterwards. The sword is possessed by the spirit of Shingen, who can possess others to wield the blade. The blade is also able to shoot energy blasts and seal away foes. However, it does have some drawbacks, as the blade’s power is not something that can be used by those who don’t know how to channel it, and the power of it can’t be accessed if the sword itself breaks, which can be done rather easily.


The Penguins have been shown to keep around grenades for dealing with intruders, as well as more cartoony bombs and dynamite. A lot of dynamite.

Rocket Launcher

If they need to blast something to bits more directly, they can use this rocket launcher.

Laser Pen

Skipper has access to a laser pen, which is used for slicing through glass, and is strong enough to slice a large archway apart and make it collapse.


Keeping on the topic of heat based weapons, he’s also utilized this, which can put out flames hot enough to pop balloons and melt lamp posts

Tranquilizer Gun

This gun is able to rapidly fire darts, which each contain a sedative strong enough to instantly knock out adult humans

Smoke Bombs

The Penguins also keep less explosive gas grenades on hand for quick escapes, which have also been shown to be able to knock out people who inhale them.

Flare Gun

Typically used for signaling for help, Skipper was able to use it to distract a horde of Fossas with its bright light. It would also presumably hurt quite a bit if he shot an actual person with it.

Grappling Hook

He’s utilized this, which can be used to grapple objects towards him and pull himself towards locations. 


He’s also shown the ability to flash bang foes by using a sandwich. 

Gas Masks

They keep gas masks on hand to help protect them from gaseous attacks.

Space Helmet

They also possess these for breathing in space. 


The Penguins have utilized holographic projectors to make it look like they’re in their enclosure while actually being away on missions. 

Surveillance Goggles

He’s utilized these to help spy on foes, which comes equipped with night vision, heat tracking, and a radar.

Penguin Car

When the Penguins need to get places quickly, they can use their buggy. This is a remote control vehicle which can go pretty fast and slam through walls with no effect.


In the Mario Kart rip off totally original racing game Madagascar Kartz, The Penguins are a playable racer and drive around a miniature version of a tour Jeep. This kart has average speed, lower than average grip, and a higher than average Turbo meter build, which is a meter filled by performing aerial tricks that, when full, allows the car to boost ahead for a bit.

Kartz Items

Said racing game also gives them access to several power ups which can be gained by hitting item boxes along the track.

  • Beehive - This is thrown ahead of you, and the first racer it reaches will be swarmed, reducing their speed and handling.

  • Chimplosive - Can be placed behind the racer, automatically exploding after a bit.

  • Flaming Coconut - Is thrown ahead of the racer, and causes any racer who’s hit by it to spin out.

  • Freaky Flare - Applies a boost of speed equivalent to a full use of the Turbo Meter.

  • The Horn of Maurice - All racers around the user will be flipped in the air, slowing them down for a bit.

  • Banana Slip - Can be placed on the track behind the racer, causing anyone who impacts it to spin out.

  • I’m in a Crate - Forms a crate around the racer which protects them from the effects of other power ups for a time.

  • Grippy Spikes - Replaces the tires of the cart, allowing it to drive over off road terrain without slowing and bouncing away other racers that run into you.

  • Spider Bounce - Throws a spider ahead of you, which causes any other racers hit to be jumped into the air.

  • Character Star Power - A special powerup with unique effects depending on which racer uses it. For the Penguins, it is Mission Invisible, which causes their car to turn invisible to other racers as they boost ahead on autopilot. 

Flight Suit

When dealing with more airborne foes, they can don this makeshift suit, which was able to quickly fly into the air and is equipped with a shuttlecock launcher and dynamite for bombing runs. Kowalski did later upgrade the design to increase their efficiency by 300%, though they can explode if overheated.


After the events of their solo film, the Penguins were gifted these jetpacks by the North Wind spy agency. They are shown to be fast enough to quickly reach the cloudline and are just awesome.

Remote Control Plane

Another airborne vehicle they’ve utilized, which could be controlled from the ground with a remote control, and are outfitted with machine guns for combat.


They’ve had a couple rockets they’ve utilized, including this larger Penguin 1 rocket, which has been used to send annoying creatures straight to Mars, and smaller individual rockets for dealing with a big biosphere Kowalski made.

Yeah whoever said penguins can’t fly clearly never met these guys.

Miscellaneous Equipment

  • Duct Tape - Good for repairing 

  • Gold Teeth - Those look really uncomfortable even ignoring the fact they’re gold.

  • Night Night Clock - A rigged kids toy which emits a cloud of sleeping gas

  • Accordion and Lederhosen - Surely this will be the big game changing factor here

  • Candy Canes - Used to grapple below overhanging pipes.

  • Bass Knuckles - An extra damaging fish used to smash apart obstacles. 

  • Parachute - A bag which can be used to float around in the air

  • Wrench - This is used to unscrew soda bottles lying around the environment to help use as jetpacks.

  • Slingshot - When near baskets of fruit, this is used to launch them at targets.

  • Blow Straw - Can be used to fire sleeper darts which can knock out foes hit with it for a while. 

  • Trumpet - Used to signal to his team that the way forward is clear

  • Bowling Balls - Can be tossed at foes to knock them out

  • Cardboard Box - Hiding in a box seems more like a snake thing than a penguin thing tbh

  • Fishing Rod - Used to hook faraway objects and reel them in

  • Soda Cans - Can be tossed to explode on foes

  • Fish Coffee - Can be picked up to heal his energy. Also sounds really gross.

  • Squirt Gun - Can fire water based projectiles at foes

  • Energy Blaster - A rapid fire energy cannon used while sliding along, which has several different blasting patterns depending on what power up you pick up.

  • Pillow - Yep

  • Snowballs - Can be tossed hard enough to shake other snow fortresses

  • Random Math Problem Cue Cards - Solve them correctly and they can be cured of getting mutated

Optional Equipment


Copied Technology

Across the 2nd Dimension revealed that Perry had managed to copy every invention made by Phineas, Ferb, and Doofensmertz over the years. While a decent chunk of these are either too large for Perry to have just on hand or have functions which are entirely irrelevant to a fight, Perry has been fully willing to utilize their tech in the past and he has a method to replicate working versions of them within his base, so he should hypothetically have access to some of the notable inventions these three have made. Full lists of all of their inventions are here and here if you’re interested.

  • Growth Elixir - When first applying to an object, this causes them to only briefly grow a bit. But then the object will grow far larger, as Candace was able to go from only 2 inches taller than normal to 50 feet tall. The effects only work if the object is exposed to a single drop, apply more and they’ll just stay at the slightly larger size.

  • Shrinking Machine - Anything blasted by it will be shrunken down to the size of an insect. The process can be reversed by blasting them a second time. 

  • X-Ray Glasses - Does what you’d expect

  • Molecular Scrambler - When activated, this device momentarily jumbles up the base constitution of users within a small radius, allowing them to phase through objects

  • Super Shoes - Boots which can allow the wearer to run at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, but not light

  • Best Phone Ever - A souped up smartphone equipped with a voice activated teleporter and an automatic rimshot program, as well as presumably other things you’d expect a phone to do

  • Ninja Outfits - Special suits outfitted with smart technology that can detect when people are looking in the wearer’s direction and automatically hide them from sight

  • Cute-Tracker - A radar which can be used to automatically detect the cutest things in an area and track its location

  • Brain Booster - A helmet which applies stimulants to the wearer’s brain, increasing their processing speed

  • State-of-the-Matter Transfer Device - A cannon which can cause any solid hit by it to be turned into a liquid, which can include people, as Candace found out. 

  • Dog Sensomatic Helmet - A helmet which can detect other canines while giving the wearer enhanced senses equivalent to that of a dog. 

  • Ray Gun of Pure Evil - Creates a bubble around the target made from pure evil and space age polymers, which can be popped with sharp objects.

  • Ugly-Inator - Can make anything hit by it ugly. Can instead make things handsome if you swap the frog with a picture of Vance Ward.

  • Slow-Motion-Inator - Anything hit by this gun is forced to run in slow motion

  • Misbehave-Inator - Can make dogs hit by it misbehave their owners.

  • Delete-From-My-Mind-inator - A combination of the Universal Delete Button and a mind reading helmet, which when combined can be used to erase everyone’s mind of a specific memory

  • Monkey-Enslave-Inator - A single mind control helmet which was used to enslave a group of monkeys due to the whole “Monkey see Monkey do” thing.

  • Eulg - A glue-like substance which can cause objects to break apart

  • De-Volition-Inator - A helmet and remote which can be used to control the actions of whoever’s wearing the helmet

  • Rust-Inator - Instantly rusts any cars which are hit with it

  • Away-Inator - A helmet which causes anything hit by it to be teleported into a more uncomfortable situation

  • Blend-Into-The-Background-Inator - A helmet that lets the wearer turn invisible

  • Eat-It-All-Inator - Causes targets hit by it to experience extreme hunger

  • Make-Things-Larger-Inator - Does what the name suggests

  • Stinkelkrampen-Inator - Can swap the positive and negative energy in objects to let him grant people with extreme good luck or bad luck respectively.

  • I-Don't-Care-Inator - Causes intense apathy in anyone it hits.

  • Other-Dimensionator - A device which can make portals between alternate dimensions. Phineas & Ferb made a remote control version of it when they helped Doof fix it, though it wasn’t able to freely go to any dimension.

  • Chicken-Replace-Inator - Causes the target’s location to be swapped with that of the closest chicken, which can work even from other planets. Assuming there isn’t already a chicken on the planet, at least.

  • Axe-Inator - You never know what could happen…

  • Cute-Puppy-Call-inator - After watching Duck Dynasty, Doof tried to invent this to become as successful as them. Unfortunately it just summoned a bunch of spiders instead.

  • Transport-Inator - A teleporter gun which can be used to forcibly send people across town

  • Shrink-Inator - A ray gun which can shrink things, though it was stuck in reverse

  • Shrink Grenades - Can be tossed to shrink any objects they hit, albeit temporarily

  • Animate-Inator - A ray gun which can grant life to objects

  • Turn-Inanimate-Objects-Evil-Inator - A red light bulb which can hijack any technology it attaches to and and make it go haywire.


Kowalski’s Inventions

The brains of the group, Kowalski, has created a variety of special equipment over the years. Not all of it is equipment that’s relevant to this fight, mainly due to them either being larger machines which aren’t easy to just have on hand or possessing functions which are basically irrelevant to a one on one fight, but many of these were made for use by the team in general, and as their leader he should hypothetically have access to some of Kowalski’s other notable gadgets. A full list of all of his inventions is here if you’re curious.



Platypus Physiology

The platypus is a rather interesting creature native to Australia. Most notably, they are one of two mammals in the world who can lay eggs (the other being echidnas), and are duck billed, beaver tailed, and otter footed. Their snout is laden with pushrods that respond to stimuli like touch, pressure, sound waves, and motion, and they can find the direction and distance of prey by detecting electrical impulses generated by living creatures with about 40,000 electroreceptors. They tend to end insects, and to help gather the 20 percent of its body weight they need for sustenance, they have cheek pouches to store prey, can go hunting for food up to 15 kilometers away from their den, and can dive up to 26 feet on trips of up to 2 minutes

Worth noting is that, when Candace had swapped bodies with him, it was shown his body was able to sweat milk, which is physically impossible for male platypuses to do. That combined with the fact no one was that confused by the idea of him laying an egg in another episode could suggest that Perry is secretly an unsung transmasc icon. Or maybe this is all just cartoon logic. 

Venom Manipulation

Male platypuses also possess venomous spurs on their rear ankles connected to a venom gland located over its thighs. This venom is strong enough to kill a medium-sized dog, and while not fatal to humans, can be very excruciating, causing a large amount of swelling. Perry himself prefers not to utilize it in a fight, but has been willing to bust it out in life or death situations

Toon Force

Perry has shown some more cartoony abilities, most notably in how he’s regularly able to pull his hat and various gadgets out of nowhere, 

Hair Manipulation

Perry has also shown the ability to somehow morph the hair on his head into a lockpick.


Perry has the odd ability to become completely unrecognizable if he simply takes his hat off. At least to his nemesis, others have been able to recognise him easily. But beyond that, he has shown a good amount of skill with disguising himself, being able to quickly put on a disguise that fooled his owner and putting on a disguise that let him infiltrate a meeting of evil scientists.

Astral Projection

Perry has also shown the ability to use transcendental meditation to astral project himself into meetings. 

Surface Scaling

In the intro to the OWCA Files, Agent P and his team are seen briefly scaling a cliff without the use of any equipment. So I guess all the suction cups are just for if he feels lazy or something. 

Double Jump

He can do this in quite a few of the games. Suppose that’s more evidence for the “secret trans icon” theory. 


In this promotional drawing tutorial, Perry was able to chase Doof between different papers on a desk. Not sure if this is canon or not but it is interesting.

4th Wall Awareness

Perry has shown to have a fairly casual knowledge of the 4th wall, as he’s given aside glances to the camera many times, as well as bowed towards the audience in the live show. Other characters in the series have reacted to screen transitions, noted how long the show’s been going on, argued with the singing voice in songs, acknowledged screen bumpers, noted when people are experiencing flashbacks, acknowledged when they’re repeating scenes, and met with various live action people, like the cast of Shark Tank as part of a pitch and Kelly Osbourne as part of a clip show episode.



Penguin Physiology

The Penguins of Madagascar are Adélie penguins, which are a common penguin species of the Antarctic that typically live along its rocky coasts. They typically measure about 70 cm tall, can weigh 3 to 6 kilograms, and are able to walk on ice at an average of 2.5 km/h. They’re excellent swimmers, able to swim at speeds of 4 to 8 km/h and tend to spend winter months at sea among the pack ice, going on journeys more than 1,200 km away from their breeding sites. This comes in handy when they need to go for feeding trips, as they can dive up to 175 meters deep into the ocean and can go on feeding trips for anywhere from 5 to 72 hours.


Another notable natural ability of a penguin is their ability to slide on their bellies to get around their inhospitable environment faster. They tend to only be able to do it on icy or snowy terrain, but that might just be a skill issue since the Penguins of Madagascar can slide along practically any surface to get to areas quickly.


The Penguins have actively utilized their natural cuteness to make themselves come off as unassuming to any humans. This is to a point where they can just wave to keep guards from confronting them, and they’re even able to unlock a level of cuteness that causes others to be  knocked out.

Toon Force

The Penguins have also shown plenty of more cartoony abilities. They were able to survive getting squashed through a printing press, have regularly pulled their equipment out of nowhere, and Skipper himself has screamed loud enough to shake the ground surrounding his base.


The Penguins have shown a good amount of skill in stealth. They’re regularly able to sneak around human guards to help get into locations and to their goals. They snuck around a ship to take out its crew and hijack it, snuck into a camp to steal their supplies, and were even able to casually break into Fort Knox just to get to its vending machine

Pressure Points

He and the other penguins have shown knowledge of pressure points, able to swiftly incapacitate fully grown men with a quick swipe to the neck. You know, in case the other 4 ways he has to knock people out isn’t enough.

Enhanced Senses

Skipper has been shown to have a generally high level of awareness. He was able to tell a security camera was installed just by feeling it, instantly responded to an attempted ambush, and as shown above, is ready to react to threats even when he's unconscious. He should also compare to the other Penguins, who he’s trained to react to attacks while blindfolded.

Gut Feeling

His gut has also been shown to tell him what’s the right answer to a mystery, even if Skipper himself believes otherwise. In the above mentioned episode, there was evidence that made everyone convinced King Julien was guilty of a crime, but Skipper’s gut told him it was wrong, and even though Skipper was convinced Julien was guilty as well, sure enough, he was eventually revealed to be innocent. 

Perfect Day

On rare occasions, Skipper can experience what is known as a “perfect day”. When this happens, he basically cannot fail in any task that he performs. However, this is not a state he can activate at will. 

Explosion Manipulation

As if his bombs weren’t enough, he’s also shown to be able to somehow cause small blasts with a single dive kick. 

Static Electricity Manipulation

By rubbing up on rugs, balloons, and other objects, Skipper can charge himself with static electricity, which was strong enough to instantly knock out fully grown men. 

Floaty Jump

In the Dr Blowhole Returns Again game, Skipper has the ability to do Peach style floaty jumps. I don’t know what the technical term for that is.

4th Wall Awareness

At many points, Skipper has demonstrated a clear awareness of the 4th wall. He’s acted as a tutorial giver in multiple games, beat up the Dreamworks logo guy, given in-character interviews, met real life people like Michelle Obama to talk about veterans and Pitbull for a music video, and even directly looked at the screen while turning it off at the end of an episode.





  • Is the top agent of OWCA

  • Regularly successfully thwarts the schemes of Doctor Doofenshmirtz

  • Helped save the Tri-State area many times

  • Defeated Norm, Platyborg, Bannister, clones of himself, Roddenstein, Liam O'Cracken, and several Marvel Villains






  • Led the Penguins to success on many missions

  • Has gone around the world on many different adventures

  • Might be on the most wanted list in Denmark

  • Defeated Nana, Capitaine DuBois, Dr. Blowhole, the Rat King, Officer X, and Dave the Octopus






Doctor Doofenshmirtz

Perry has had numerous confrontations with his nemesis, and he has regularly been shown to be able to physically defeat him fairly easily. While the more extreme feats Doof has done with the aid of his tech is likely not something he can scale to personally, Perry should scale to the stuff he has done physically on his own. 

Phineas & Ferb

While Perry usually ends up doing adventures separate from Phineas and Ferb, there have been a few cases of the two crossing paths, most notably with the whole 2nd Dimension business. This showed the two were able to keep up with Perry in terms of combat fairly easily, so Perry should likely compare to their notable feats as well. 

Other Characters


The Penguins

The Penguins as a group have all shown to be on par with each other. Skipper is the leader of them, tends to be treated as the most competent as a fighter, and in one episode he was able to outpace all three of them on his own. So he should naturally compare to their own feats.

The Zoo Gang

Throughout the main Madagascar films, Skipper and the Penguins were pretty consistently shown to be more competent in a fight than the main cast, most notably in how they were easily able to beat up Nana and DuBois, who were both shown to be able to easily beat up Alex, who’s generally on par with the rest of the gang. As such, Skipper should scale to their notable feats.

King Julien
(And other guys from his show)

The king of the people who like to move it, who has been a common ally of the Penguins in both the films and show, as well as having an entire show with adventures of his own.  Like the Zoo Gang, it’s pretty consistently been shown that the Penguins are far more competent than the King and his entourage as fighters, indicating they’re likely superior to the feats of them. 


For obvious reasons, The Penguins should also scale to the various foes they’ve taken on throughout the years in both the films and their solo adventures. 


(this is the face of the strongest being in the Madagascar canon)

Separate section for this guy since this will require a bit more of an in depth discussion. In the episode Operation: Lunacorn Apocalypse, Private ends up accidentally unleashing an evil spirit that was sealed away, which proceeds to possess his unicorn toy and wreak havoc until the Penguins can defeat him. Now should Skipper and the others scale to him? Well, not normally, no. Not only does Kuchikukan pretty consistently show himself to be physically superior to the Penguins, is treated as a being they can’t deal with physically, and they only manage to beat him by tricking him into overloading on electricity, but Kowalski directly notes he is an adaptive spirit who requires to learn his body’s strength to fully utilize it, which means that it’s likely his full strength is not being shown off in his fights with them throughout the episode, as this is a body he had just started possessing that night. However, the full power of Shingen’s katana would have been able to defeat him and was able to seal him away in the past, suggesting that the blade’s full strength could scale to his full strength.



While Agent P is a skilled agent, he does still have his weak spots. Firstly, while he has kept up with more skilled opponents eventually, the fact his usual day to day foe is the frankly rather incompetent Doof means he has been initially caught out by dealing with foes of higher skill. He also doesn’t seem to want to use his poisonous spurs, seemingly due to being embarrassed. Finally, if his owners end up threatened he will quickly give himself up for them.


The most obvious disadvantage Skipper has in this fight in particular is that he is a lot more used to working alongside his team, so him being put in a one on one fight would give him a disadvantage. He’s also fairly short tempered and has a tendency to take things too seriously, treating even minor coincidences as if it’s part of a massive conspiracy. This also means he can be fairly headstrong and is a massive seeker of action, which has landed him in jams he needed to get bailed out of by others.

Before the Verdict

Marvel Scaling?

As previously mentioned, the Mission Marvel special is a bit of a special case when it comes to Phineas & Ferb crossovers, as unlike the Star Wars special, which clearly establishes itself as a non canon story, there’s not really anything in the special discounting it from being part of the Phineas & Ferb canon. Agent P was shown to be able to keep up with these heroes in a fight, which includes Hulk and Thor, so that means he scales to Marvel Heralds, right?

While this special is showing a crossover between Phineas & Ferb and some Marvel characters, there’s not any sort of dimensional portal or anything which could suggest these are meant to be another universe’s heroes they’re crossing over with. In fact, the special starts by showing Marvel heroes that are on the same planet as the Tristate Area, meaning the Marvel characters that show up here are actually completely original variants native to the Phineas & Ferb universe. As such, there’s no real reason to assume these guys are as strong as the original comic heroes, nor is there any reason to assume Phineas & Ferb secretly took place in the Marvel comic universe the entire time, as this special is the only time anything from Marvel is acknowledged. There’s also not really anything which can solidly indicate these heroes are any particular show version of the heroes due to the aforementioned shared universe element of the crossover, nor could you do some kind of Spider-Verse scaling chain since this specific Spider-Man never ended up in any of those events. So no, Perry is not a secret Marvel Herald. 

Norm’s Big Bomb

A pretty notable feat for Phineas and Ferb is this blast from Norm, which can get pretty high numbers. Some have had issues with this particular calc, but given Norm directly states the blast would have destroyed Danville, it’s likely the blast is still somewhere in the city range at the very least. The bigger question is on whether or not Perry should be scaling to this feat, which is a bit more questionable. 

On the one hand, Perry was able to directly bat away the blast, which Norm was able to contain himself beforehand. Perry has also pretty regularly been able to take on robots like Norm, most notably in the 2nd Dimension event where Doof’s other dimension counterpart’s common mooks were alternate versions of Norm. However, there are other points against the scaling, as while Perry did bat around the initial blast, it was in a predetonation ball form that seemed to only unleash all its energy afterword, so arguing Perry scales to it would be like arguing a man being able to physically lift a nuclear missile would be as strong as the nuke’s blast. It’s also worth noting that at the time Norm had upgraded his own capabilities beyond his base self, and it’s not totally clear if those upgrades stuck, so saying Perry taking on foes on par with his base capabilities means he scales to him here is a bit of a stretch. It's also worth noting this is a pretty significant jump in numbers compared to other feats in the series, so it could arguably be an outlier to scale anyone besides Norm to it. 

Overall I feel this scaling is questionable enough to not fully use, so I’ll leave it up to the reader to decide on if this is fully valid or not. This feat won’t be impacting the result here since it’s not that necessary for the conclusion, I just felt it worth bringing up that the argument exists. 

Larger Size Arguments

One argument I saw for increasing the stats of Phineas and Ferb was from the end of the episode Attack of the 50 Foot Sister. In this episode, Phineas and Ferb make a growth serum that causes Candace to grow to 50 feet tall, and to bring everything back to normal, the serum instead makes everything in the solar system far larger. Some have argued this to be something that should be accounted for when discussing feats for the series, as it can significantly increase the scale of certain feats. However, I don’t really agree with the idea of this.

First off, while Phineas & Ferb does have a loose sense of continuity, the show is still meant to be fairly episodic. This ending is clearly meant to be a case of negative continuity, as while there are plenty of callbacks to other episodes, this particular ending has never been called back to from my research, which makes the idea that it’s this super crucial element of the series to keep in mind when discussing it fairly questionable. This is even more so given the many cases of the series going through space for adventures, and yet in all those cases all the celestial objects are not at all larger despite the fact this instance very clearly showed it was only the celestial object’s size that grew, not the distance between them. This even further downplays the idea that this ending is a super crucial detail to account for, as if this ending is not meant to be a case of negative continuity, then why does every other episode which would be impacted by this not affected by it?

Finally, just in practical terms, this feat feels like a pretty weird point to argue. Not only can it quickly lead to very inflated stats when it comes to the more notable feats, but there is an inherent paradox you would bring by arguing this. If the characters being this size is such a crucial element of the series that you need to adjust every single feat to account for it, then by that logic every Phineas & Ferb fight animation needs to start as a fight between a normal sized dude and a kaiju sized dude. If you just downsize the character while still using the numbers for the stats, then you are ignoring a crucial part of the story of Phineas and Ferb which is so important that every calc needs to be keeping this in mind. As such, I feel it’s far less of a headache to just ignore the idea of this ending buffing everyone’s sizes.

Mort’s Ocean Drinking

If you know of Madagascar feats then you probably are aware of this infamous clip where Mort seemingly drinks an entire ocean, which can get high numbers if taken literally. However, this clip is taken out of context, as at the time Mort was within a simulation created by Karl, the villain of the King Julien show. In fact this clip rather notably cuts the line from just before where Mort’s grandpa directly points out the ocean itself is a fake one, and it’s even shown to be so in that clip when the next thing we see is them in a room after presumably sucking all the water blocking them from it. So no, Mort did not drink an entire ocean like a milkshake.

Kowalski’s Snow Cone Machine

Another notable feat some have cited is a feat from the end of one episode where Kowalski makes a snow cone machine that covers New York in ice. While this is also powerful feat, the fact the machine’s activation is completely offscreen does make this a very questionable feat to apply to the Penguins themselves, as there’s nothing suggesting the machine blew up on them, they were at the epicenter of it’s activation, or anything else to suggest they should scale to the machine’s effects in terms of their own durability. The fact the machine itself is also completely offscreen means there’s not much reason to assume it was a handheld device, thereby meaning it wouldn’t be included as part of Skipper’s optional arsenal here. 

Fanart Section

(By @alfiemations)

(By @xyloivian)

(By @ZippityZab)



Both of these agents were certainly a lot stronger than you might think, but looking at their more notable feats side by side, the comparison in power was fairly clear cut. Skipper did boast some impressive scaling to various city block level feats, such as being near a 13.79 ton jet explosion, the 31.344 ton explosion from the King Julien show, and Private surviving orbital reentry at 49.76 tons. While these were a bit better than the other feats in this tier Perry could scale to, such as Doof’s tower explosion at 17.868 tons and the roller coaster fall at 21.415 tons, they were nothing compared to the higher feats Perry could scale to, such as the 3.943 Kilotons Woodpecker Incident, Doof’s blast into orbit at 4.24 Kilotons, the station crushing the Marvel Villains at 4.465 Kilotons, and most notably, Doof surviving a ball of tinfoil at 32 Kilotons. This meant Perry was anywhere from 79 to 643 times stronger than Skipper, and this wasn’t even accounting for far higher feats such as Phineas and Ferb’s New Years Ball Drop or Norm’s energy blast, which would both be exponentially higher than even that. As such, Perry held a very comfortable edge in strength normally. 

As for speed, both did have plenty to compare to. Skipper did have a pretty notable edge in raw movement speed normally, as scaling to Private being able to swim from New York to Antarctica was a lot more notable than any of Perry’s movement feats. And when it came to reaction speeds, both had plenty of experience dodging all sorts of projectiles, as well as just generally having really good agility. When it came to reaction speeds, though, Perry did ultimately have greater speeds to compare to. Skipper’s best feat would be scaling to Dr Blowhole being able to react to a reflected laser, which clocked in at 38% the speed of light. But Perry’s best feat in this regard would be scaling to Phineas being able to react with shoes that were almost the speed of light, which clocked in at 77% the speed of light, almost double that. Both did have potentially higher arguments, most notably in how both series have had cases of impressively fast spaceships, but in neither case could you really argue anyone scales to the full speeds of them in terms of reactions. And Kuchikukan being able to spread his energy around the world which can also get high numbers, but there’s not much reason to scale Skipper to this, as he and the other guys who fight the big unicorn were only seen reacting to his energy attacks, not this particular instance of his powers. 

Arsenal & Abilities

Now both of these two have a very wide set of equipment which they could utilize. And they both had plenty of comparable tools. Both had many melee weapons, explosives, various energy blasters, grappling hook launchers, goggles for scanning, decoys of themselves, and plenty of vehicles to spare. However, once you started to break things down Perry had a lot more tools which he could utilize to really mess with Skipper’s chances than vice versa. On the general level, his magnetic watch would let him easily disarm Skipper of a lot of his toys to let him use it for himself, and the Digital Hacker and Jammer Power Up could be used to hack anything larger after stopping them in their tracks. The Acid Bubble and Energy Shield gave him better options for defense, and the Animal Whistles and OWCA Beacon gave him options for easily getting the numbers advantage. Perry also had access to far more methods of transport than Skipper, with several of them like the Motorcycle and Hoverboard giving far better capabilities than Skipper’s equivalents, as well as being the only one of the two with options for underwater transport.

This did change a bit when accounting for their optional equipment, which gave both plenty more options to play with. That does lead into discussing both of their general win conditions with their equipment, and it was bad news for Skipper. While the penguin did have several notable ways of taking Perry out on paper, in practice it was a bit unlikely. To go over said win cons in an easier to digest table form:

Skipper Win Condition

How can Perry deal with it?

Knocking Out with Sedatives

Perry has never shown a natural resistance to being put to sleep, but he does have protective gear to let him breathe in toxic environments, so the gas based ones wouldn’t work, and Perry’s far too fast and agile to be reliably hit with basic darts.

BFR him to Mars with the Rocket

While Perry didn’t have any explicit space travel options, he could simply escape this by either breaking out of the rocket mid launch with stuff like the Acid Bubble or Metal Melting Device, or by teleporting back to Earth with the Chicken-Replace-Inator, which has been shown to work for cosmic distances. Perry’s space suit also meant he could easily keep up if the fight did go to space.

Overpowering/Sealing with General Shingen’s Katana

The full power of the blade being able to deal with planet busters was significantly above Perry’s pay grade, so this could hypothetically work. However, not only is the full strength of it something that Skipper could only do if Shingen’s spirit possessed him, which Shingen hasn’t been shown to do without the sword breaking first, but Perry could also simply just disarm Skipper of and break the sword, which has been done by just shoving it into the ground on accident. And much like Skipper, there’s not much reason to scale Shingen to Kuchikukan’s planet waves, so Perry would still have the speed edge needed to get this chance.

Erase His Memories with Sonic Brain Eraser or Amnesia Spray

Perry had access to similar devices, the SBE was a bulky helmet which would require getting close to Perry, and as mentioned Perry could easily counter gas based attacks.

Make him young with the Age Reverser

The Age-Accelerator-Inator-Proof Suit being able to protect him from tech that made him old should also logically let him be protected from this.

Hijack his tech with the Nanobots

Not only are the Nanobots not something Skipper has complete control over and could potentially turn on him, but Perry had far more ways to mess with tech himself and he could easily Jam and Hack it the second it becomes a nuisance. 

Use the Love-u-Laser to make him fall in love with a grenade or something

Not only did Perry have access to multiple similar machines which could mess with Skipper’s moods, his ability to break out of the effects of the Butler-Inator with just a note did mean he arguably could quickly break out of any mind screwing. The Love-u-Laser could also malfunction and instead make Perry more aggressive, which would be pretty bad news for Skipper.

Stop Time with the Stopwatch

While Perry didn’t have a specific way of countering this, his multiple methods of either taking or disabling tech combined with his speed edge meant the odds of Skipper using this uninhibited were pretty slim.

To contrast, here’s a table breaking down all the notable haxes Perry had with his variety of equipment, and how well Skipper could deal with them:

Perry Hax

How badly is Skipper screwed by it?

Disabling All Of Skipper’s Tech

Not only does the aforementioned Digital Hacker and Jammer Power Up give him ways to personally hijack all of Skipper’s gadgets, but tech like the Rust-Inator or Eulg gave him ways to more permanently destroy them.

Size Manipulation

Perry had multiple methods to both make himself bigger and make Skipper smaller, which would both let him overpower Skipper all the easier.

Phasing through any attacks

The Molecular Scrambler would basically make Perry untouchable to everything Skipper could throw at him, though he wouldn’t be able to interact with Skipper while it was active.

Messing with Skipper’s mind

Perry had multiple Inators which could completely brainwash Skipper, make him misbehave, make him extremely hungry, or make him incredibly apathetic. All of which are fully capable of working on Skipper and would likely ruin his chances of winning. 

Teleporting to Brazil Another Dimension

Perry had two methods of removing Skipper from the battlefield altogether by sending him to another dimension with the Away-Inator and the Other-Dimensionator remote, both of which could definitely leave Skipper in a position where he’d be unable to continue the fight due to lacking a way to go between dimensions.

Enhancing Himself

Perry could potentially give himself a boost in intelligence with the Brain Booster, or increase his movement speed with the Super Shoes, both of which would definitely give him a leg up over Skipper. 

Slow Skipper Down

The Slow-Motion-Inator would definitely be something that could leave Skipper wide open for a counterattack if it lands

Transmute Skipper 

Perry could use the State-of-the-Matter Transfer Device to turn Skipper to a liquid, which would effectively end the fight in a single shot

So yeah, Perry’s own win conditions if given access to a lot of this optional equipment was significantly more likely to go off than Skipper’s own. But, well, they are still optionall, so do things get better for Skipper without them? Not really, no. I already pointed out issues with his win conditions with his standard equipment above, as Perry was fully capable of countering them without his optional equipment. And at the end of the day, all these haxes don’t mean too much when Perry’s aforementioned strength edge meant all Perry really needed to do to beat Skipper was just punch him really, really hard. And Perry had plenty of tools to give him the opening he needed, regardless of if you include all these wonderful toys or not. 

Moving onto more innate abilities, both of the two could compare quite a bit, most notably with their pretty extreme agility, as well as having cartoony hammerspaces which would let them pull out whatever random stuff they needed. Much like with equipment, Skipper did seem to have more notable abilities on paper, but he didn’t actually have any significant enough abilities here that could give him the win. Stuff like his gut feeling and senses could help counter attempts at stealth or disguising from Perry, he wouldn’t be able to use his cuteness to disguise himself, and him inexplicably making explosions was a bit irrelevant considering the stat gap. He could also hypothetically use abilities like pressure points or static electricity build up to instantly knock out Perry, as the platypus has never resisted either type of damage. But he’s only shown knowledge of human pressure points, not the ones of a Platypus, he’d need to build up the static electricity in the first place, and both methods would rely on him getting close in the first place, which was unlikely for the aforementioned advantages Perry had. Finally, he could potentially take a win by having a Perfect Day, but not only is this a rare phenomenon he has no active control over, Perry had access to the Stinkelkrampen-Inator, which could let him deny any benefits this would bring to Skipper and apply it to himself.

Speaking of which, Perry did generally have abilities which weren’t as notable, as abilities like his hair lockpick, astral projection, and hopping between pages were a bit too situational to be relevant in this fight. However, he did have a very dangerous ability to Skipper with his venomous spurs. Skipper has not shown any innate resistance to toxins, and considering real life Platypus venom is strong enough to kill animals like dogs, it would most definitely fuck a small flightless bird up. While this wasn’t an ability Perry tended to use in fights, if he was pushed into a corner, this would be a very potent way for him to end the fight in a single strike. 

…well that’s a really grim note to end this section on jesus christ-

Tertiary Factors

Swiftly moving on from that, the last points to go over would be the discussion of intelligence. Both of these agents have definitely had plenty of missions under their nonexistent belts, and they’ve taken on plenty of weird foes. In terms of experience, Skipper di have a decent edge, as not only has be on adventures for at least twice as long, he also tends to deal with more varied opponents overall with the various humans and creatures he’s dealt, as opposed to Perry who tends to stick to just dealing with the… frankly typically incompetent Doofenshmirtz. 

However, in terms of more general fighting skill, that did lean towards Perry. Perry is generally a lot more cunning in fights, as well as typically taking battles more seriously. He also had the obvious advantage in being more used to fighting on his own, whereas Skipper is more of a team player. Both of them are regularly shown to be more skilled than most of the others surrounding them, but Perry has more experience dealing with opponents who could match his skill as a fighter, whereas Skipper was more used to being the best fighter in any situation. Finally, Skipper did generally have weaknesses that would impact him more, whereas most of Perry’s issues were unlikely to come up. As such, when it came to who could reliably get the way to win first, Perry had the more likely odds in that situation.


"You know, we thought we'd finally met the real you when we found out you were Agent P. But the fact is, pet, secret agent, they're both the real you. You are now, and always have been a great pet, and a great friend."


  • Far stronger normally

  • Faster reaction speeds

  • Generally more effective arsenal

  • Could counter or disarm Skipper in many ways

  • Optional technology gave him many more win conditions

  • Venomous Spurs would be very effective in ending the fight

  • Far more skilled as a fighter

  • Dee Bradley Baker

  • Has demonstrably better rizz


"You know what you got, kid? You've got us. We've got each other. And if that ain't a family, I don't know what is"


  • Far stronger with Shingen’s Katana…

  • Faster movement speeds

  • Has several arguable win cons…

  • Optional Equipment gave him more potential win conditions…

  • Had more notable natural abilities

  • Better experienced

  • Tom McGrath

  • Successfully ended racism


  • Far weaker normally

  • Slower reaction speeds

  • …but the Katana could be easily dealt with

  • Less effective arsenal overall

  • Tech could be disarmed or countered in several ways

  • …but Perry had easier win conditions

  • …but Perry had both better odds and more options

  • Vulnerable to venomous spurs

  • Far less skilled as a fighter

  • The only girl he’s ever landed is a dashboard hula doll

  • Would be ruined if the cops ever found him out

Skipper is certainly a skilled agent in his own right, and he could certainly take down most others with his awesome skills. But when up against Agent P, the platypus's superior strength, gadgets, and even more awesome skill would prove to be enough to keep Skipper’s odds of winning truly endangered. 

The winner is Perry the Platypus

Next Time

It’s Tricky vs Gamzee lol. 

But beyond that, as I am approaching the end of my original blog’s batches here, I thought it would be neat to have a trailer to help tease some of the matches I have upcoming in the next batch of blogs:



  1. There are like two potential island level feats from king Julien with his father surviving some king of nuke and robot monkeys survive a volcanic eruption

  2. For the record, you could argue the Large Size feat from Phineas and Ferb is still usable, through it being said to cause the whole universe to grow, though that's probably inconsistent as we see multiple stars and a galaxy in the background not be affected.


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